Sunday, June 29, 2014

Secret to the Best Credit Report - Tips and FAQ's

Best Credit Report - Want to get the best credit report out there, you know you have to get three copies of your report form the 3 different American credit bureaus companies - you get one for free but what about the others? and what fraud protect is best, let me help:

First, what is s credit report and what use it it? Have you ever applied for credit and been turned down, but didn’t understand why? You need to understand your report and how to get the best out of it.

Why have a credit report?

Well, A typical consumer has access to $12,900 worth of funds on all credit cards combined, and there were 9.9 million victims of identity theft in 2002. It is the fastest growing crime in America
With consumer credit is at an all-time high and credit card fraud.

We need a Credit Report to protect us and let us get credit. By obtaining your credit report you can pro actively do things to improve your credit score - used by lenders to asses whether to lend us money or not.
Credit reports provide protection - What you see in that report will let you know if you’re in jeopardy of becoming a victim of credit fraud. There are a lot of scams out there so you need to constantly analyze your credit report to spot fraudulent activity. You check your credit card statement don't you? then for the same reason you need to check your credit report.

To get the best credit report you need to access your report from the three main credit bureaus - you can go direct to these companies, or obtain it through the huge number of companies how offer more competitive rates and other services. The government allows you to get one free report per year.

The reason you need more then one is because all the information on each report is different. Lenders will only pass information onto one bureau. It is not uncommon for your credit score to differ by as much as 100 points - so you need to get the 3 credit reports and then contact each bureau and update your info.
The July 2000 issue of Consumer Reports quoted a study where more than 50% of the credit reports checked contained errors, from this high number you can see the likelihood of your report not only being inconsistent but containing errors too.

My report contains some bad information - how do I go about fixing that info?

There are three primary ways to repair your damaged credit score therefore improving your credit worthiness:
  1. Wait 7-10 years for the items to fall off your credit report
  2. Repair your credit yourself
  3. Use a professional credit restoration firm
First, ask yourself:
  • Are there errors on your credit report?
  • Could you renegotiate a better interest rate with credit card companies?
  • Might you begin working with a financial planner?
  • Have you been a victim of Identity fraud?
  • You might need to need to refinance your home
  • Maybe a relative or spouse’s credit information showing up on your credit report?
  • Do you need to improve your insurance premium rates?
  • Improve your debt structure?
Be careful of companies guaranteeing to fix your Credit Score

A common trick for them to use is illegal! can could get you into big trouble.
They will contact the Credit bureau and dispute a legitimate section of your report - by law the bureau has to take this info off until the dispute has been resolved.

So from your point of view you've handed over $500 - $1000 and they have seemingly removed that negative information, but once the dispute has been resolved and they have found it is legitimate it will land right back on your repot - by this time, the company has made like the wind - good luck trying to get your money back!

Be sure to do your homework when getting the best credit report - for more information and other tips and tricks go to

To get your free credit report today visit

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